The trend of digital nomads is on the rise now. Let us find out all about it and what is fueling the rise!

The Rise of Digital Nomads

Who is a Digital Nomad?

A Digital Nomad is a Wifi wanderer and modern-day explorer who works remotely.

The surge in the number of Digital Nomads

In the US, the number increased by 50% to 11 million (2020) and then to 15 million in 2021.

Why the rise?

There are many reasons for the number of digital nomads just spiking year by year, so let’s have a look at it.

Why the rise?

There are many reasons for the number of digital nomads just spiking year by year, so let’s have a look at it.


Companies promoting
WFH policies

With technological advancement and increased internet connectivity, many companies now offer remote work options, allowing employees to work from anywhere.

The fascination with this novel form of location independence has increased the demand for visas for working nomads.

Foreign countries lure digital nomads



With the increasing focus on mental health increasing day by day, this method makes it easier for people to balance their work and personal life.

Work-life Balance

The Digital Nomad lifestyle has opened doors for flexible working hours, which proves to be very beneficial for personal growth and work-life balance.

Flexible working hours


A boon for travellers
and explorers

By converting to digital nomads, the dream of working while travelling became true for many.


Would you like to be a Digital Nomad now?

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