Slang is the speaking style of a person in a particular region, most commonly used by young people. These slangs are ever-evolving, and one cannot truly keep count of them since people create new lingos every now and then. British slang can help if you are planning to visit England soon. So, let's upgrade your British slang game!
What is British Slang?
British slang has an ancient and extensive history. It started in the 19th century and has changed over time. The British military used slang in the 1960s and 70s, which then evolved with the influences of Americans and new generations. We've rounded up the top 60 British slang words that you need to know to navigate the UK. So, let's crack on!
Common British Slang Words and Phrases
Are you buzzing? Or, let's say, are you excited to explore the realm of British slang words? Let's take a look at some common British Slang words and phrases.
1. Any Road
This British slang is not a person asking you to pick a road. It means “anyway.”
Example: “Any road are you from China or Japan?”
2. Bevvy
Let's start with the British short form of beverages commonly used for beer. This is not to be confused with "Bev", which is the British slang word for "a handsome chap."
Example: "You free to grab some bevvy with me, Susan?"
3. Blimey
This is an English expression for something that surprises you, and it is something you might often hear on Doctor Who.
Example: "Blimey! That watch is expensive."
4. Bloke
Similar to its American counterparts, "guy" and "dude," this British term refers to a "man."
Example: "I can't be arsed about that bloke's problems!"
5. Bloody
One of the most popular British slang words, "bloody", requires no definition. Although it was originally considered a cuss word, its present meaning is limited to adding an emphasis on whichever word follows it. You might exclaim, "That's a bloody good discount!" when you learn about student discounts in the UK.
Example: "That was a bloody amazing overhead kick by Wazza!"
6. Bog
More than a muddy marsh, the British use the term "bog" for toilets, and "bog paper", as you might've already guessed, means toilet paper. "Big standard", however, is a phrase for "average or normal."
Example: "Excuse me, I have to use the bog real quick."
7. Bonkers
Depending on the context, "bonkers," the British slang, can either mean crazy or angry and is often paired with "completely" and "go".
Example: "That hairstyle of yours is completely bonkers, Karan!"
8. Boot
What Americans call the "trunk" of their car, the British call the "boot." People in the UK often hold "car boot sales", selling off unwanted possessions from the boots of their cars.
Example: "I got this grill bloody cheap at Bob's boot sale."
9. Brolly
Brolly is also one of the English slang words. It is something you might also come across in Australian slang and means "umbrella."
Example: "I'm getting totally drenched, should've brought my brolly."
10. Bruv
A short way of saying "brother", your British mate might say "You alright, bruv?" to check on you when you're buzzin'.
Example: "Bruv, Chelsea are getting relegated, innit?"

11. Buzzin’
This is a British English slang word for tipsy and excited, with the latter meaning mainly used in Manchester.
Example: "I am absolutely buzzin' to go to the game this Sunday!"
12. Can't be Arsed
When you can't be bothered doing something, you might use ‘Can’t be arsed,’ one of the British slang phrases. You can shorten it to "CBA" when texting your mates.
Example: "I can't be arsed with doing the assignments Bobby."
13. Cheeky
If someone calls you cheeky, you might have done something impolite or disrespectful that came across as charming or amusing.
Example: "He's a cheeky bugger, innit? Tricked me into believing him!"
14. Cock-up
If you've turned in the wrong paper, you can use the British slang phrase for a mistake to describe what you're doing. Not booking student accommodation early when moving to study in the UK would be a cock-up even after being aware of the benefits of early booking!
Example: "I definitely cocked up by accidentally revealing the baby's gender to the parents."
15. Cracking
Often used to describe a person or thing, "cracking" is also one of the British slang words for something particularly good or excellent.
Example: "Harry Kane was properly cracking against Arsenal today!"
16. Daft
Daft, one of the British English slang words, is one you'll want to avoid being called as it means dumb in a silly way.
Example: "This is the third time I'm explaining this to you today. You're quite daft."
17. Dead
No, this doesn't mean anything morbid. This British slang word is another example of the people's fondness for emphasis as it means "very."
Example: "I am dead serious, John. McGregor will knock him out in two rounds!"
18. Dodgy
"Dodgy" basically means something sketchy or suspicious. You might use this British English slang for food that seems outdated.
Example: "That ravioli looks dodgy, mate, I wouldn't touch it."
19. Faffing Around
Faffing around is one of the British phrases and slang that is used when you take longer than needed to do something or spend your time in a not-so-productive way. When you've been faffing around all day, and someone asks you what you did, you can respond by saying, "Bugger all", which means nothing at all.
Example: "Quit faffing around and complete your work!"
20. Fit
If someone calls you fit, they aren't exactly talking about your physique or exercise habits. It means they find you attractive. So go ahead and make a move, but don't be gutted if you get pied off.
Example: "Daniel Ricciardo looked quite fit on the telly today!"
21. Fiver & Tenner
This one's quite simple, really. Fivers refer to five-pound notes, while a tenner is, you guessed it, a ten-pound note. If you've run out of both, you can call yourself skint, which means broke or lacking money.
Example: "I ran out of all my tenners. Can you please lend me a couple of fivers for the taxi fare?"
22. Gobsmacked
It doesn't get more British than this. Gobsmacked is a British slang word for utterly shocked or surprised.
Example: "Despite him dancing for the first time, I was gobsmacked at Josh's moves."
23. Gutted
It might sound like something Egyptian mummies undergo, but it's nothing of the sort. However, depending on how gutted you are, you might even want to switch places with a mummy. "Gutted" is one of the British slang words for extremely upset, devastated or disappointed about something.
Example: "I am absolutely gutted at the Queen's passing, mate."
24. Hunky-dory
You might use this in response to a question about how your day is going. This is the UK slang phrase for alright or OK.
Example: "Don't worry about our travel; we're all hunky-dory."
25. Kerfuffle
This one's a mouthful, but it's one you need to know to avoid feeling confused. Kerfuffle is a UK slang word for a disagreement or fight. It can also mean fuss.
Example: "I stumbled upon a minor kerfuffle as soon as I entered the bar."
26. Kip
A long study session might make you want to take a quick kip, meaning a short nap.
Example: "There aren't any customers today. You better take a quick kip."
27. Lad
Used in a similar sense to bloke, the lad is a UK slang word for younger men and boys.
Example: "Go on then, lad! Score some goals!"
28. Lost the Plot
If you are sad to lose the plot, you might want to take a step back. Losing the plot, one of the British English slang phrases is used for someone who is behaving irrationally or is enraged.
Example: "You're wearing white to her wedding? Have you lost the plot?"
29. Minging
Pronounced ming-ing, this is a lovely word to describe something that isn't quite so lovely. Minging is a UK slang word for something gross or disgusting.
Example: "Blimey! The detailing on that car looks minging."
30. Mug
If you've been called a mug, it means you're gullible or daft and can easily be taken advantage of. If the term is used to describe a face, it means ugly.
Example: "I am usually polite, but he looks like an absolute mug!"
31. Nosh
Nosh is a UK slang word for food.
Example: "You wanna grab some nosh while we're out?"
32. Pants
You might already know that the UK uses the word pants for underwear while Americans use it to mean trousers. The British might also say, "That's pants!" for anything that's utterly bad or rubbish.
Example: "That penalty call is pants; that's a soft foul!"
33. Pied off
If you've been pied off, it means you've been rejected or shot down. Yikes!
Example: "Yeah Janet pied me off when I asked her out last night."
34. Muppet
A rather interesting insult, muppet is used for someone who is rather ignorant or clueless.
Example: "You muppet, Indians don't speak Indian, that's not a language!"
35. Proper
Although this British slang is often used to replace "very," proper also retains its original meaning of not inappropriate.
Example: "That pie is proper gobsmacking!"
36. Quid
"Quid" is a word used in the same way as the American's "bucks." If someone "quids in", it means they're investing in someone or something to gain some benefit.
Example: "That shirt actually just cost 10 quid, quite cheap in this economy."
37. Slag off
Slagging someone off is a British English slang word for mocking someone.
Example: "My mates have been slagging me off for weeks now for overhitting that pass."
38. Sod
Although this British slang word means "devil", it is often used to refer to a person, typically a man.
Example: "You sod! How dare you drive over my plants?"
39. Throwing a Wobbly
You might want to avoid throwing a wobbly as it is one of the British slang phrases for throwing a tantrum.
Example: "Leave him alone; he's just throwing a wobbly."
40. To Crack on
Cracking on means getting started with something. This is different from cracking, which is used to describe someone or something excellent. You particularly want to avoid being called crackers, as it's a British slang word for crazy.
Example: "I have to go to bed early since I'll be cracking on that road trip tomorrow morning."
41. To Leg it
If you're legging it, you're likely physically running away from trouble.
Example: "That's the police. Leg it quick!"
42. To Nick
Nicking something is a British English slang word for stealing. However, when you get nicked for nicking, it means you're getting arrested. Further, "The Nick" is a British slang word for the prison.
Example: "That orange purse? It got nicked in the concert yesterday."
43. Trollied/Plastered
Trollied and plastered are both British slang words for drunk.
Example: "Man, you are so funny when you're plastered."
44. Footie
When talking about the national sport, you might come across this word, which is a UK slang word for football. Don't call it "soccer" in front of a British person unless you're prepared to get a bollocking.
Example: "Got me some new boots, let's crack on with the footie then?"
45. Bollocking
When you do something that you shouldn't, you might get a bollocking, one of the British slang words.
Example: "Mum gave me a proper bollocking for taking the car out without her permission."

British Slang Sayings
Not just British slang words, but there are a number of British slang phrases used on a daily basis while communicating with their friends and family.
1. "Get in!"
If your mate tells you about something terrific happening, you can reply with "Get-in!"
Example: "You got into Oxford? Get in then, mate!"
2. "Fancy a Cuppa?"
"A cuppa" is a British English slang word for the stereotypical parched Brit's favourite drink, a cup of tea.
Example: "You're drenched! Fancy a cuppa to warm you up?"
3. "Alright?"
Although the Americans might ask this with genuine concern, the Brits use this as a casual greeting and often pair it with a slight nod.
Example: "You alright, Frank?"
"I'm good, you alright, Joe?"
4. "I'm Knackered!"
This UK slang phrase means tired or exhausted and originates from the 19th and 20th-century term for the person who slaughtered worn-out horses for their hoofs, hides, and meat.
Example: "Man, I'm knackered after all that dancing."
5. "I'm Chuffed to Bits."
This is one of the British slang phrases for being happy or satisfied, especially about an achievement. It usually follows words like "quiet" or "pretty" since British people don't like to show off.
Example: "Congrats on the promotion, Ramirez, I'm chuffed to bits at this news!"
6. "I'm Pissed."
This one might take you by surprise, as pissed doesn't have quite the same meaning as it does in the US. This is one of many British slang phrases that mean drunk. Make sure you don't confuse this with "taking the piss", which means mocking or being sarcastic.
Example: "Can you book me an Uber home? I'm pissed."
7. "What a Load of Poppycock!"
This is a British idiom derived from the Dutch words "pap" and "kak", which translates to "soft dung." You might say this instead of saying, "That's nonsense."
Example: "They are changing the offside rule? What a load of poppycock!"
8. "That's Smashing!"
Here's one of the British slang phrases that is a staple in Austin Powers' vocabulary. Smashing is British for something fantastic.
Example: "They are giving out free cookies at the corner shops? That's smashing, mate."
9. "Don't Get Your Knickers in a Twist."
This unusual UK slang saying simply means don't get worked up or upset.
Example: "He was always going to move to a better club, Kieran, Don't get your knickers in a twist."
10. "Bagsy!"
If you want to call shotgun while going on a road trip in the UK or dibs on food or the front seat of the car, shouting out "Bagsy!" will do the trick.
Example: "Bagsy! I love the extra legroom sitting up front!"
11. "Bob's your Uncle."
This is one of the British slang phrases that will leave you confused if you don't know the intended meaning. In the same vein as "presto!" or "et voila!" This UK slang phrase is typically used for tasks that seem more difficult than they actually are.
Example: "1, 2, and 3, and Bob's your uncle. Rashford has his hat-trick!"
12. "Budge up."
Similar to scoot over or move over, "budge up" is a British slang phrase you can use informally and are likely to use when travelling around the country by UK public transport.
Example: "Budge up, mate, this is a public bus."
13. "This Road is Chocka!"
"Chocka" is short for "chockablock," which is most often used to describe something that's completely packed, like a jammed road.
Example: "I'll be home in ten, love, hit a chocka!"
14. "She's a Few Sandwiches Short of a Picnic."
First coined in 1987, this phrase is a funny new way of saying a person isn't quite clever. The person can also be described as being a bit dim.
Example: "Perhaps it's best not to task them with this. They're a few sandwiches short of a picnic."
15. "Innit."
Ending on one of the most commonly heard British English slang words, innit is simply the shortened version of the contraction "isn't it?" and is primarily used by the youth of Britain to confirm or agree with someone.
Example: "Their music is proper cracking, innit?"
How to Learn British slang?
To get really good at using British phrases and slang, you can try different ways. Here's what you can do:
1. Trying British Slang with Friends
Experimenting with UK slang words and phrases in casual conversations can be fun and effective. Using it with friends provides a practical way to learn and understand its nuances.
2. Observing Communities like Football
Engaging with communities popular in the UK, like football, can expose you to slang. Listening to British commentators during matches can be a great way to learn slang in context.
3. Utilising Native Friends
If you're a student abroad, connect with native friends. Ask them about the slang they use and incorporate it into your conversations to gain practical experience.
4. Listening to British Music
Enjoying British music exposes you to various slang and colloquial expressions. Pay attention to lyrics and how words are used in songs to learn informally.
5. Speaking with a Native Speaker
Conversing with a native British speaker is a direct way to learn British slang words. They can correct you and provide insights into the proper usage of words and British phrases.
6. Watching British TV shows
Watching British television shows and series can familiarise you with slang. Pay attention to character dialogues and their manner of speaking to pick up slang naturally.
So there you have it! British slang words and phrases can be a tricky language to learn, but when you get the hang of it, it's as easy as pie - or should I say, as easy as taking the biscuit! So why not give it a go and see if you can brush up on your British slang like a proper English gentleman or lady? With its influence on the world of pop culture and its ability to turn any conversation into a Monty Python skit, British slang words are here to stay. Cheerio!