Part time jobs in London can fetch you nearly fifty thousand pounds annually. No, we are not just bringing that number up to assure you; that's true. Your classmates who have already started their part-time jobs in London will clarify. London, a city of dreams for students and everyone in general, is home to renowned universities in UK like the London School of Economics and more. Whilst living the extravagant and expensive London life, you need to figure out how to earn money with part time jobs in London or have a side hustle as a student, to be very specific. You can do a lot while being a student to earn a few bucks or gain experience in your CV, so read more about part-time jobs in London.
Types of part time jobs in London
Part-time jobs are a blessing for students, and their availability percentage makes a huge difference in students' lives. Alongside the availability, the range of part-time jobs also matters because the diversity in the demography of students coming to London to build their careers. The different courses provided by the universities in London create a vast mix of talent and job seekers’ requirements and time availability. The good part is that part-time jobs in London are a balanced mix of all the employment sectors. There are innumerable number and diversity of part time jobs in London at your disposal, depending on your interests, skills, and experience. Some popular part-time job options in London include:
- Retail associate or sales assistant part-time jobs in London
- Hospitality and catering part time jobs in London (waiter/waitress, bartender, kitchen staff)
- Customer service representative or call centre part time jobs in London
- Administrative or clerical part time jobs in London (receptionist, data entry, office assistant)
- Tutoring or teaching assistant
- Graphic Designer
- Content Writing
- Social Media Executive
- Research Associate
- Ghost Writing
- Delivery driver or courier
- Personal care assistant or caregiver
- Event staff or promotional
- Cleaning or janitorial
- Dog-walking
These are just a few examples of the wide range of jobs in London available part-time among the plethora of part time jobs in UK for international students. It's always a good idea to research and apply for part time jobs in UK that match your skills and interests.
Top 10 part time jobs in London
Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or simply looking for a flexible work arrangement, a range of exciting part time jobs in London are there for you to learn and earn. In this article, we've compiled a list of London's top 10 part-time jobs to help you find your next gig. So, read on to discover the best part-time jobs that London has to offer!
1. Part time jobs in London as a Tutor
Tutoring is among the most common part time jobs in London. You can work as a freelance tutor, conduct individual one-on-one instruction, or tutor students online at any education service provider. If you are fluent in English, you can also work as a tutor at call centres. You can make up to £15.42 each hour as a part time job in London being a tutor.
2. Receptionist
The tasks and obligations of a receptionist include welcoming guests, assisting them with their movements about an office, and providing them with refreshments while they wait. Working part-time in London as a receptionist, you can make about £11.28 per hour.
3. Parcel Loader
Your major duties as a parcel loader will be to unload big bags and packages from vans, scan them so receivers can trace them through our network, and organise them by destination. This job can pay you almost £11.69 hourly.
4. Product tester
Working as a product tester for your part-time job in London, you will receive free products to test and verify whether they are up to the mark. And this part time job in London will pay you £11 hourly.
5. Barista
It’s not new that students work part-time as baristas in coffee shops. This part-time job in London helps you manage your time and pays a decent amount of money up to £15 hourly.
6. Retail Sales Assistant
As consumers approach a store, a sales assistant must welcome them, assist them, and inform them of the goods and services offered. This part time job in London will make you around £11-£15 hourly.
7. Domestic Assistant
Working a part-time job in London as a domestic assistant, you will be responsible for cleaning up, emptying trash cans, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, polishing, dusting, and, as necessary, using powdered equipment such vacuum cleaners and carpet shampooers. Making you almost £15 hourly.
8. Relief Pharmacist
Working a part-time job in London as a relief pharmacist, you will be responsible for responding to client inquiries by offering guidance on medical conditions, signs, and treatments. Buying and selling supplies such as medicines. It is one of London's highest-paid part-time jobs, making you £22.75 per hour.
9. Customer Assistant
An employee of the retail sector, a retail assistant, typically works on the sales floor of retail establishments. Working as a customer assistant during your part time job in London, you can make around £13.62 per hour.
10. Delivery Coordinator
They manage budgets, plan deliveries, assist with supply chain operations, and help coordinate inventory. Working part time in London as a delivery coordinator, you can make £13.43 per hour.
11. Content Writer part time jobs in London
You can easily find part time jobs in London offering content writing work. You will be responsible for creating content based on the requirements of your recruiters in this segment of part-time jobs in London.
12. Graphic Designer remote jobs in London
If you are interested in designing or have been learning it or even practising it, you can go for this area of part-time jobs in London without a speck of doubt in your skills because you will have enough room to learn and grow.
13. Social Media Executive part time jobs in London
Social media executive jobs are plenty when part-time jobs in the UK market are considered. However, London has no dearth of part time jobs for students in the social media industry. With startups coming up every day, advertisement agencies and the startup ecosystem are constantly searching for talent, and that’s where your resume needs to pop up. You can check out the resume tips that can help you with your part time jobs in London.
14. Website Development part time jobs in London
Website development is a hot skill in today's part-time jobs in London. Learning this skill or utilizing your field knowledge to gain the best among the part-time jobs in London. You can create projects on GitHub and showcase them to your recruiters to increase your chances for the job.
15. Dog-walker part-time jobs in London
Dog walking is very much in demand when considering the part-time jobs in London. This job profile is for people who love dogs and won’t mind spending an hour or two to walk a furry baby.
London is a city of dreams and hopes; hundreds and thousands of students fly there yearly for higher education. We hope our list of part time jobs in London was helpful for you and will contribute to improving your time and skill.
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How to find online part time jobs in London for students?
Exploring London as a student is not limited to enjoying the vibrancy of the global culture, transporting yourself to the old world by being lost in its charming Victorian-era architecture, or just gorging up on delicious food. London can become the stepping stone of your career due to the unfathomable opportunities it has to offer. Online part-time jobs in London can be a real life-changing experience in terms of your career. Now, how to find the perfect one among the sea of opportunities for part-time jobs in London? Here are the steps to explore online part-time jobs in London:
1. Filter online part-time jobs in London.
Look for job opportunities online basis your skills and availability. Decide on the number of hours you are willing to put in and churn out a list of fields or industries you can apply to
2. Update Cover Letter & Resume
You need to update your cover letter and resume based on the online part time jobs in London you are applying for. The best trick is to synchronise your resume based on the vacancy and the requirements as presented by the firm in their job description.
3. Apply via Social Media
You can also leverage the social media platforms like Instagram to connect with recruiters. Instagram has proven to have been career-changing for many people. Look for recruiters or jobs via hashtags and connect to land the job of your choice.
4. Upgrade Skills
You must also work on understanding your position as far as your skills are considered. If you find yourself at a beginner level, it is always better to enhance your skills. Take a few courses, maybe? You must be on top of industry updates and the utilization of it for the companies you are applying to
5. Look for any Restrictions
Part-time jobs in the UK have some governmental restrictions. Some jobs are not available to students due to their valid reasons like expertise and experience, to name one. You must visit the government website and check if the job you aim for is open to students.
How many hours can you work as an international student?
If you are an international student living in London and want to work a part time job, there may be limitations on the number of hours you can work. You can only work 20 hours per week throughout the academic year. There is a weekly cap of 20 hours for any work—paid or unpaid—done for one or more organisations. While working a part time job in London, you are entitled to the current hourly rate for the London Living Wage is £11.95.
Eligibility and Requirements for international students for part time jobs in London
To be eligible for part-time jobs in London, you generally need to be over 16 years old and hold a valid work visa if you are not a UK citizen. However, specific eligibility requirements may vary depending on the job type and employer's policies. It's always a good idea to check with the employer or consult a job agency to determine your eligibility.
While international students with a UK visa can work part time jobs in London, some limitations and rules must be followed. Below is a list of them:
- For a full-time degree programme, you cannot work more than 20 hours per week or no more than 4 hours per day with weekends off.
- You are not allowed to work more than ten hours per week during the term of a language course.
- Once the training ends, you can find work that pays you $40 per week or $8 per hour with the weekends off.
- You are not allowed to work contract or as a freelancer.
- You cannot work for any company full-time without a post-study work visa.
- The ability to balance employment and education is very important. Your work shouldn't get in the way of your academic success.
Benefits of Part time jobs for students
Part-time jobs can provide numerous benefits for students. Some of the key advantages of part-time jobs for students are:
- Financial independence: Part-time jobs can provide a steady source of income for students, helping them to become more financially independent and support their studies.
- Practical experience: Part-time jobs allow students to gain practical experience and develop new skills, which can be useful for their future careers.
- Networking opportunities: Part-time jobs can offer networking opportunities, allowing students to make connections in their field of interest and build professional relationships.
- Time management: Balancing a part-time job with academic commitments teaches students valuable time-management skills and helps them to develop good work habits.
- Increased confidence: Working part-time can boost a student's self-confidence, helping them to become more comfortable in professional settings and develop a strong work ethic.
- Flexibility: Part-time jobs can offer flexible schedules, making it easier for students to balance work and study commitments.
Part-time jobs can offer students numerous benefits, helping them gain valuable experience, develop new skills, and become more financially independent while pursuing their academic goals. To get more information make sure you check our blog on benefits of part time job as a student.
Where to look for part time jobs in London?
Now that you know the minimum wage, rules and regulations, the next step is finding a part time job in London. There are various ways to look for part-time jobs in London, including on platforms like Indeed UK, RemoteWorkr, DevITJobs, Total Jobs and LinkedIn Jobs, among others listed below. Some popular options include:
1. Online job boards
You can search for part-time jobs in London on popular online job boards like:
- Indeed
- Monster and
- Reed
2. Company websites
Many companies post their job vacancies directly on their websites. Check the websites of companies you're interested in working for to see if they have any part-time job openings.
3. Job agencies
Job agencies specialize in connecting job seekers with suitable part-time job opportunities. Some popular job agencies in London include:
- Adecco
- Manpower and
- Hays
4. Networking
Inform your friends, family, and colleagues that you're looking for a part-time job in London. They may know of job opportunities or be able to refer you to someone who does.
5. Student job boards
If you're a student, check with your university or college career centre for any available part-time job openings or visit websites like
- StudentJob
- StudentBeans
6. Direct applications
If you know of a specific company you'd like to work for, send them your CV and cover letter, even if they don't have any advertised job openings.
By exploring these options, you can increase your chances of finding a suitable part-time job in London.
London is a city of dreams and hopes; hundreds and thousands of students fly there yearly for higher education. We hope our list of part time jobs in London was helpful for you and will contribute to improving your time and skill. You can also view our webstory on how to freelance as a student to understand more.