Students are required to write dozens of essays throughout their academic journey. However, the majority of them are unable to come up with top-notch essays that could win higher grades. This is because essay writing involves multiple aspects, including:
- Picking an effective essay topic based on the provided guidelines.
- Well-researched information from relevant and credible sources.
- Plagiarism-free writing.
- Grammatically error-free writing.
To accomplish all the aforesaid aspects, it is now easier to do tasks for every type of student, thanks to Artificial intelligence. Nowadays, AI tech has developed several online tools that can prove helpful in accurate essay writing. In the below sections, we are going to discuss a step-by-step and comprehensive guide to writing essay with AI.
A Step-by-Step Comprehensive Guide to Write Essay with AI
Students now widely use these tools to write essays and other types of assignments. In the sections below, we are going to use multiple AI-powered tools in a step-by-step process of essay writing.
“According to an online source: There are 67% of UK students utilise AI-powered online tools to get help for compiling their academic essays and other sorts of assignments.”
1. Write an Effective Essay Title
This step is necessary when you (as a student) are not provided with a specific title by your professor or instructor. In this scenario, you can utilise an online AI-powered Chatbot such as Gemini (formerly called Google Bard), Open AI Chatbot, Jasper AI, etc. to write an effective title tailored to your institute's specific guidelines.
Useful Tips to Write Effective Essay Titles Using An AI Chatbot
Here are some useful tips that will help you effectively write essay titles using an AI Chatbot.
- First of all, it is necessary to make the AI Chatbot aware of your essay writing topic and guidelines. It will help the Chatbot to provide a more appropriate essay title that will be tailored according to the instructions.
- You should ask Chatbot to write multiple essay titles for the same topic. Doing so will give you a broad choice, ultimately, you will be able to choose the best-fitting one.
- While asking an AI Chatbot for titles, you should mention the class or academic level like; Intermediate, Bachelor, Master, etc.
A Demo Use of An AI Chatbot to Write Essay Title: “To practically write the essay title, we chose a popular AI Chatbot offered by Google which is Gemini. We first provided our specific essay writing guidelines to the Chatbot and asked it to write multiple Essay titles.”
We used the following Prompt: “Write Multiple Essay Titles about Climate Change for the Intermediate level (According to the previously provided guidelines).”
Essay Titles We got from the Google Bard:
Informational Titles:
- “Climate Change 101: Understanding the Science and Impacts.”
- “A World Transformed: Exploring the Ripples of Climate Change.”
- “From Melting Glaciers to Rising Seas: Visualizing the Effects of Climate Change”
Analytical Titles:
- “Debunking Climate Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction”
- “Adaptation vs. Mitigation: Navigating the Complexities of Climate Solutions”
- “The Unequal Burden: Examining the Social Justice Implications of Climate Change”
And multiple others.
2. Pick a Suitable AI Essay Writer
After writing an effective essay title, now is the time to choose a suitable AI-powered essay writer tool. But when we search for AI essay writers, we find many online tools.
In this scenario, coming up with a suitable essay generator can be a difficult task. To simplify this step, we listed some mandatory features to have for an AI essay writer.
Some Key Features to Look for In an AI Essay Writer
To make the tool-picking process even easier, we conducted an article about AI essay writers on the Internet. In the end, we found the most popular AI essay writer offered by EditPad (a popular toolkit), which was first ranked on the internet. Moreover, the tool is equipped with all of the aforesaid.
Image Showing the Tool is Ranked 1st on the Internet:
Let’s write an essay utilising this tool in the upcoming step.
3. Generate an Essay Using the Tool
Now is the time to practically run EditPad’s AI essay writer to write your essay. To use the essay writer, you need to do the below-listed steps:
- Paste or write your essay title into the input box of the tool.
- Adjust the necessary settings like Essay length, type, and feature (if you are running the premium version).
- Press the “Write My Essay” button to run the tool.
- After you write the essay, you can download it or copy it to the clipboard.
Practical Use: To practically show the functionality of the Essay writer, we provided one of the above essay titles, adjusted settings, and ran the tool.
Our Essay Title: “A World Transformed: Exploring the Ripples of Climate Change.”
Below is the Demo of our AI-generated essay:
Similarly, you can also run the tool to write an essay for any title. The tool will provide a coherent, accurate, relevant, and unique essay.
4. Proofread Essay
In the last step, it is important to proofread the essay generated by the online AI writer thoroughly. Despite its capabilities, the generated content still needs your refinement for accuracy.
“According to an online source: We should not 100% rely on AI with closed eyes.”
Useful Tips:
Keeping this in mind, we’ve listed some useful tips to proofread your essays effectively.
- Make sure that AI-written essays are exactly according to the guidelines.
- Check that all the references added by the essay writer are correct and from credible sources.
- Ensure that there is no irrelevant information in the essay.
If you find any sections that need to be improved, you can either change them directly or generate a new essay by running the tool again.
Essay writing demands students to do a lot of hassles and have strong writing skills. However, AI-powered writing assisting tools have made this process very simple. Using AI tools, students can write effective essays with just a few clicks. In the above sections of the post, we comprehensively explained an ultimate guide to writing essays with AI. Following the same steps, you can write every type of essay within a very short time.