Your palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, there’s vom...wait, we don't really have to go all the way. Mr Eminem surely knew a thing or two about nerves on big occasions and how they can get the better of anyone, leading to the creation of this masterpiece. What he didn't know, however, is how those words capture a job interview candidate's emotions, too. We know how nerve-racking job interviews can be, and therefore, we have come up with common questions and tips for a job interview to help you through the quest.
After going through the job interview tips and answers, you won’t have too many voices speaking to you, and you can find a recipe to ace interviews like a pro. So, without further ado, here are our best (and heavily researched) tips for a job interview and common job interview questions.
20 Tips for a Job Interview
Making a great demonstration of your skills and qualities can help you land your dream job, but the tips for an interview will shape you for the process. Here, we have separated the job interview tips into three sections: before, during, and after. Embracing the below interview preparation tips will help you navigate your way around the common interview questions and answers.
How to Prepare Before the Interview
Before you go or sit for any type of interview, it is important to prepare well for the event to ensure you do not face any hiccups during the process. So here are some tips for job interviews to remember before it actually happens.
1. Develop an Intelligence System
This may be the most basic tip for a job interview, but you cannot overlook the power of researching the company, its employees, its mission, and specific activities. Not exactly one of the core interview skills; however, interviewers prefer candidates with prior knowledge of the company. So, the first and foremost tip for job interviews is to be familiar with the company’s operations and grasp its future vision.
High school students can get ahead by developing general knowledge in how businesses and companies operate with an industry-focused summer school. This will provide students with multiple opportunities to visit and network with different types of companies. High school students can get ahead by learning how businesses work through an industry-focused summer school, with opportunities to visit companies and meet professionals. Immerse Education offers Career Insights in over 15 subjects.
2. Prepare Common Interview Questions
Interviews tend to start with the same questions, so make sure to note down this tip for a job interview. Many job seekers consider these questions as primitive and usually answer them without thinking twice. This is usually followed by, “I will call you back... but I can't guarantee that.” Keep this tip for a job interview in mind and prepare for the common interview questions discussed later.
3. Carefully Select Your Interview Outfit
A very important tip for a job interview that you should remember is to dress well. First impressions matter a lot! If hired, you would represent the company; therefore, how you show yourself during the interview could have an unintentional effect on the interviewer's assessment of your suitability. This simple tip for a job interview can make you confident about your skills and yourself.
4. Maintain a Clean Profile on Social Media
Perhaps a bit of an unconventional tip for a job interview, but it’s useful, nonetheless. Social media profiles have become an extension of your personal brand. Steer clear of liking or sharing any postings that disparage your coworkers, your superiors, or your employer. Firms often scan potential candidates’ social media to see how you nurture a healthier digital space for yourself and others.
5. Make Sure Your Resume Relates to the Job Description
Although this tip for job interviews is self-explanatory, many may not know how to do the deed. Go through the job description and compare your experience & the desirable requirements. Of course, this tip for a job interview does not want you to stick to the current position you are applying for – you can add valuable, skill-enhancing activities like volunteering.
6. Be On or Even Before Time
Another important advice before an interview is to adhere to the time. It's always a good idea to give yourself 10 to 15 minutes to unwind before your interview. While you wait, consider what you want to learn from the position and the organisation, as well as what you want to emphasise about yourself. Take a deep breath!
7. Know Your Interviewer’s Name
Who is going to interview you? Knowing the name is a no-brainer tip for job interviews, as you can use it during the interview to foster an engaging interaction. If you do not know the name, you can always call and ask the secretary. Of course, taking note of the secretary’s name can be for your benefit because secretaries have historically influenced hiring decisions.
How to Prepare During the Interview
After going through these tips and advice for job interviews, you might have an idea of how it is all about making the right impression. Now that you have got the call, focus on how to deal with anxiety and go through the following tips to remember during the interview.
8. Greet with a Handshake
One of the essential tips for job interviews is to create the first impression and establish a rapport. Shake hands with the interviewer, show confidence, and demonstrate your preparedness. Besides a firm handshake, waiting for the interviewer’s gesture for you to take a seat is another important tip for job interviews.
9. Smile and Make an Eye Contact
Some hiring managers genuinely believe that if new hires avoid eye contact and look at the floor and ceiling constantly, they cannot be trusted with responsibilities. Other recruiters believe candidates should not be afraid to smile and even to joke a little- as it gives them a sense of comfort and truthiness. Use this simple tip for job interviews for your benefit!
10. Keep Calm and Be Confident
One of the crucial tips for job interviews is to be confident with your knowledge and stay calm. You can have foods that help with stress before the interview because a candidate’s anxiety or uncontrollable excitement can obstruct your ability to show your best side to the management. An interview can be halted in just a few minutes when slurred speech, trembling voice, or constant "sorry, sorry" takes over the conversation.
11. Be an Active Listener
Perhaps the most important tip for a job interview is to be a good listener. Listen to the question being asked if you want to provide a thoughtful response. You can respond to the question with force and organisation if you follow this tip for a job interview. To follow this tip for a job interview, you need to speak clearly, avoid interrupting and maintain a professional tone.
12. Always Tell the Truth
If you want to build a flourishing career, stay steer clear of lying and deceptions. Being clear about what you know and what you can bring to the table is one of the best tips for job interviews. What your weaknesses are is a common query. Never, ever claim to lack any! If you memorise this tip for a job interview, you can build trust and credibility.
13. Keep the Distractions Away
This might feel like an unconventional tip for a job interview, but keeping it in mind will always help. Make sure there are no distractions with you before entering the room. Turn off your phone and keep it in the silent mode. Never leave anything on the table; avoid bringing anything extra because doing so could make you seem unprofessional.
14. Highlight Your Worth
Highlight your qualities as a worker, a colleague, and a representation of an organisation during the interview. This tip for a job interview is all about highlighting your teamwork, confidence, work ethic, and good attitude. Emphasise your dedication and turn your weaknesses into strengths. This is not only an essential tip for a job interview but also an armour to empower you.
15. Stay Persistent
Keep going may sound basic, but it is one of the essential tips for job interviews. Things may get difficult, but you should not give up halfway. Carry on till you finish demonstrating, and see where it takes you. Clearly state your point, offer your opinions and do not hold on to egotistical motivation. So, keep this tip for a job interview every time you feel like abandoning in the middle.
16. Don’t Be Afraid to Sell Yourself
Giving an interview is all about bringing your best version! By effectively highlighting your skills, experience, and achievements, you increase your chances of being chosen over other qualified candidates. This is one of the most important tips for job interviews because you must showcase your experience, relevant skill set and ability to be an excellent addition to the team.
17. Finish the Interview on a Positive Note
A lot can happen during an interview, and your interviewer may be someone negating everything you utter. However, one of the golden interview preparation tips is to end it on a positive note and smile. Always express your gratitude to the interviewers and your desire to work for them at the conclusion of the conversation. Among the top salary negotiation tips for your first job found on the internet, this one will also help you the long way.
How to Prepare After the Interview
First, take a deep breath and pat yourself on the back as you’ve done a great job! While you thought preparing for the interview is exhausting, the wait can also feel the same. Some companies can deliver the news on the same day, yet some take months to reach out. Here are a few tips after the interview to have faith in yourself:
18. Reflect on the Process
One of the valuable job interview tips and tricks is to reflect and grasp what you have learned from the interview. Think about accepting the position and why you should accept the offer. Examine how this position would fit into your larger career objectives and decide if it would be a good move. If you do not get an offer, understand what different you can do next time.
19. Ask for Feedback
Never forget to express gratitude for communications, ideally within 24 hours. Send a follow-up email to remind them if you were given a specified timeframe. This is one of the important tips for a job interview that people overlook. Employers value candidates who follow up promptly, but many applicants hesitate to do so. You might not be selected this time, but you will be called first when the opportunity arises again.
20. Remember, It’s Just an Interview
Last but certainly, the most important tip for a job interview is always to remember that it’s just a simple conversation about you and your work, and there will be plenty of them in your lifetime. You will have plenty of time to sharpen your interview skills as you go forward in life. The more interviews you give, the better your interview skills will get!
What Are Some Common Interview Questions?
No matter what kind of interview you are giving, where you’re giving it and what profile you’re giving it for, there are some common interview questions that you will face. These common job interview questions are almost universal, and you can be sure that you will be facing them in the future!
1. Tell Me Something about Yourself
It is one of the frequently asked interview questions, but prepare yourself to go beyond what’s in your resume. Don't divulge everything about your professional or personal past. Instead, make a pitch that explains in clear, persuasive detail why you are the ideal candidate for the position. After all, through this common job interview question, the employer wants to know why you desire this job and what makes you the ideal candidate.
2. How Did You Find Out about This Job?
Another apparently common interview question that gives you the chance to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the organisation. For instance, mention the professional contact who told you about the job and then explain why you applied. Even if you came up with the job posting on a random job board, mention what in particular drew your attention to the position.
3. Why Do You Wish to Work Here?
The perfect way to deliver this common job interview question is to avoid general responses. You are passing up an opportunity to differentiate yourself. Regardless of the path you take, be sure to be specific. If you were in a hurry while applying for the position, let the employer know your strengths and what values you can bring through this common interview question.
4. What Makes You Want This Job?
Perhaps this is one of the most common interview questions where you can address your passion. Employers prefer to work with people who are enthusiastic about their jobs, so you should have a strong justification for applying. Maintain an enthusiastic tone and be ready to answer this common job interview question in 1-2 minutes.
5. Why Should We Hire You?
This is another common interview question, and preparing for it also paves the way for one of the best tips for job interviews. Here, your task is to develop a response that demonstrates your ability to not only perform the work but also to produce excellent outcomes, your ability to integrate into the team and the organisation's culture successfully, and why you would be a better hire than any of the other applicants.
6. What Value Can You Add to the Business?
When interviewers ask this common job interview question, they are not always interested in your qualifications and degrees. The goal is to relate your experiences and talents to what the organisation requires while providing an example of similar or transferrable work you've completed in the past. So, read the job description carefully and research the organisation.
7. What is Your Biggest Professional Accomplishment?
Don't be coy when responding to this common interview question if you have a history of producing excellent outcomes at previous employment because nothing shouts "hire me" better! Utilising the STAR method — situation, task, action, and results — is a terrific way to achieve this. Give the interviewer a background on the scenario and the task you had to do before describing what you did and the results you obtained.
8. Why Do You Have a Gap in Employment?
This is one of the common interview tips and questions, and it’s about any kind of gap in your employment/education. You may be simply taking a break and exploring your interests, tackling health problems, or visiting different countries. In case you cannot figure out how to explain a gap year on your CV, be honest and do not divulge more information than you feel comfortable with.
9. What are Your Best Qualities?
The best answer to this common job interview question is to consider quality over quantity. All you have to do is remember not to boast but broach gently! Don't just reel out a bunch of adjectives; instead, choose one or a few unique traits that are pertinent to this role and provide examples to support them.
10. What Are Your Weaknesses?
Through this common interview question, the interviewer assesses your self-awareness and honesty with this question. Therefore, neither "I can't fulfil a deadline to save my life" nor "Nothing! I'm perfect!" are acceptable answers. One of the best tips for job interviews that we can give you is you should consider what you struggle with while finding a balance. For instance, you might not have always been good at public speaking. However, you have recently embraced the best public speaking tips and are offered to chair meetings in order to improve your communication skills.
Remember that knowing the tips for job interviews by heart is a way to invest in your professional success. By dedicating time to research, practice, and self-reflection, you can get the best out of these tips for job interviews and refine your skills. In case you have some interesting interview preparation tips, you can drop a comment below!