Fast-Track Visas, More Work Hours in NZ Opposition's 2023 Manifesto
Global News
In the opposition's manifesto for the 2023 New Zealand election, many promises are made to international students studying or planning to study in New Zealand. New Zealand's latest news for international students is related to expanding work rights. Post-study work rights of graduate students will be extended from 1 year to 2 years. Not only this, but a fast-track visa process and diversification of the education sector are on the list, too. These promises, when brought into action post the elections in New Zealand, will bring a lot of relief to the students. The ease of process in the stated spheres will supposedly have a positive impact on accommodation in New Zealand for students, especially the PBSA economy in the near future.
The expanded work rights for international students who study in New Zealand and their partners is a very crucial step. The students will be allowed to remain for an extended time and will have longer work hours in their bags post-study. According to the New Zealand elections 2023 news for students. The elections were conducted on 14 October 2023, and the results are expected on 4th of November 2023.
The pre-pandemic data of the education sector states a contribution of $3.7 billion to the economy in New Zealand, becoming the country’s 5th largest export earner. In addition, the education sector generated more than 6,000 jobs. However, according to the latest PBSA news and data, the economy in New Zealand in the year 2022 took a dip of $430 million. Global Education brought the economy only $800 million in the student pbsa market in New Zealand.
The promised steps benefiting international students are supposed to increase revenue growth. Also, it will help propel the job generation rate and boost international connections with source countries, according to the opposition manifesto.
A priority visa system will be introduced in exchange for an additional fee for fast-tracking the visa process. The processing time of a fast-track visa will be just 2 weeks instead of the current time frame of 44 weeks. The standard visa applications will also be processed within 14 days.
The fast-track visa process will boost the intake in New Zealand of international students who aspire to study in New Zealand. International students who study in New Zealand are allowed 20 hours of part-time work a week for additional income. The hours allocated are below the number of part-time work hours of countries like Australia with 24 work hour rule. This step will make the country more attractive for international students.
The promises will look good on the PBSA market in the New Zealand economy with opportunities for investors to come in. You can reap the benefits of the booming PBSA market of New Zealand by listing with us. To read more on amber news, click here.