If you want to study more easily and smartly. In that case, you need to take notes so that you can read them and understand everything important or break down huge topics into readable chunks that you can easily understand. Especially during exam time when most of us study at the last minute! There are many different note taking methods that you can use, but deciding which one to use and when to use it can be a task. So, to reduce that stress, we have made a list of the best note-taking methods you can use with their pros and cons.
Why Are Effective Note Taking Skills Important?
Mastering effective note-taking methods in university lectures and tutorials is a vital skill. Good notes provide a lasting record of key information, aiding in integration with your own thoughts and exam preparation. Reliable note-taking also prevents plagiarism, helping you trace the origin of your ideas and clarify your thoughts. Notes serve as a valuable record of essential information and its sources. Writing them aids memory, concentration, and effective listening. Choosing what to note down enhances understanding, creating a valuable resource for exam preparation. Class notes often hold unique information not available elsewhere, making them a crucial study asset.
8 Most Effective Note-Taking Methods
Good note-taking not only enhances understanding but also facilitates easy review for exams. The ideal method varies based on subject and learning style. Explore different approaches for effective application. Here are the 8 best note-taking methods for you to ace your next finals!
1. Outline Note-Taking Method
One of the best note-taking methods is the outline note-taking method. It is a simple technique where you organise your information in a hierarchical manner where the main idea is on the top, and all the related information is listed below it. The best way to imagine it is every summary of a chapter where each heading has vital information listed below it.
When to use this Effective Note Taking method: To jot down information quickly
- This effective note-taking technique helps you structure information in a logical way.
- It allows you to identify the most important points and prioritise them quickly.
- It gives a brief overview of the material, making it simpler to review and revise later.
- It might not be suitable for those who learn best through pictures and diagrams, such as visual learners.
2. Cornell Note Taking Method
This is, without a doubt, one of the best method for note taking. The Cornell note taking method divides information into notes, cues, and summary sections. The main points are summed up in the page's bottom section. Using the Cornell note taking method, you can easily organise and retain information, making it easier to study and remember.
When to use this Effective Note Taking method: For effective Studying
- Summarizing helps you figure out the main ideas.
- Writing a summary makes you understand the topic better.
- Your notes are already organized logically, making it easy to quickly review when you need to study.
- Taking notes needs a bit more work.
- Setting up the page takes some time.
- Cornell note taking method mainly uses text, which might not suit visual learners who prefer images.
- Not great for creative writing or literature analysis.
3. Boxing Note-Taking Method
The boxing note-taking method involves structuring the important facts and information from a text or lecture into boxes or frames. This is one of those best note taking method that separates the main ideas and supplementary information into various boxes or frames. Boxing note-taking is extremely organised because it divides information into boxes or frames. This can make it simpler for you to understand the connections between various facts and ideas. This method arranges information using a visual representation, making it simpler to spot trends and connections between various topics. As you can link the information to the visual organisation of your notes, this can aid in your memory.
When to use this Effective Note Taking method: For revision
- Useful for making summaries during revision.
- Provides a quick overview of each lecture, chapter, or subtopic.
- Not great for quickly jotting down notes during lectures or meetings.
- Can be a bit bothersome if you have to draw boxes freehand instead of using a note-taking app.
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4. Charting Note-Taking Method
Using a visual chart or table to organise your notes is known as the charting note-taking technique. This method creates categories or topics in a grid or table, and significant information is entered beneath each heading. It is also one of the most effective note-taking methods. Creating charts for notes makes it easy to see connections in information. It's helpful for complex subjects, breaking them into manageable parts. Visual organization aids memory, and reviewing is quick due to clear structure. Creating charting notes can be time-consuming, especially for detailed tables. It might not be the best choice for quick note-taking. Some information types may not fit well, like diverse lecture topics. It may lack specific details for memory needs.
When to use this Effective Note Taking method: comparing items across a certain set of characteristics.
- Excellent for comparing things.
- Summarizes items systematically.
- Not good for linear note-taking or following a story/progression of information.
After you take notes, you will need to plan out your study to utilise the notes you have made. To help you with that, here are a few study planning apps!
5. Mind Mapping Note Taking Method
The mind mapping note taking technique uses visual diagrams to visually organise information and show the connections between various ideas and concepts. It involves beginning with a main idea or topic and using lines, symbols, and images to branch out into subtopics and related ideas. You can easily organise and visualise information using the mind-mapping note-taking technique, which makes it simpler to understand and remember. Mind maps' visual nature can encourage creativity and facilitate problem-solving. The visual representation of the information offered by this effective mind-mapping method of taking notes makes it simpler to understand, process, and remember. In this effective note-taking technique, making a mind map requires organising and connecting numerous ideas and concepts, which can take time, especially for complex or detailed information.
When to use this Effective Note Taking method: For revision method or brainstorming aid.
- Break down big ideas into smaller parts.
- Discover new connections between ideas.
- Visual presentation of ideas and their relationships.
- Not ideal for recording meetings or lectures on the spot.
To take notes quick you need to be effective. Here are a few tips on how to take notes effectively.
6. Flow Note-Taking Method
Using this effective note-taking method known as "flow notes," information is recorded continuously without regard for structure or organisation. Its fundamental idea is to record ideas and insights as they come to you without obstructing your natural thought process.
When to use this Effective Note Taking method: Lectures and brainstorming sessions
- It enables a natural flow of ideas and thoughts, making it easier to pay attention to the subject matter
- Without having to worry about structure or organisation, it can be a quick and simple way to write down significant thoughts and insights.
- This one of the best note-taking method promotes creativity and independent thought, enabling you to investigate various concepts and connections.
- It might not be well-structured and organised, making reviewing and comprehending the information later challenging.
- Important information and details that are not immediately obvious or relevant to the flow of ideas could be missed.
- It might not be appropriate for all topics or content, especially those that call for a more organised or thorough approach.
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7. Sentence Note-Taking Method
The key points and details from a text or lecture are condensed into a series of complete sentences when taking notes using the sentence note-taking method. This process requires identifying the key ideas and additional information before noting them into clear statements summarising the content. Taking notes in sentences note-taking technique makes it easier to find the most crucial information in a text or lecture and to condense it into simple, understandable statements.
When to use this Effective Note Taking method: Lectures, podcasts or presentations
- Breaks down complex material into manageable chunks.
- Active engagement enhances comprehension and memory.
- It is one of the best note-taking methods when recalling crucial information or studying for exams.
- Takes longer due to assembling information into complete sentences.
- May lack specific details, challenging for quick note-taking.
- Requires summarizing complex ideas, which can be difficult for those struggling with writing or expression.
8. Writing On Slides Note-Taking
Writing on slides note-taking is a method of taking notes by writing directly on the slides of a presentation or lecture. This approach involves using the annotation tools in your presentation software or writing directly on printed slides.
When to use this Effective Note Taking method: Digital Classes and Presentations
- Simple to understand by making notes on slides during the presentation.
- Helps retain information and remember key concepts.
- Useful for grasping details in charts, graphs, and pictures.
- May struggle to capture all details if the speaker talks faster than you can write.
- Limited space for notes depending on slide size and information.
- Balancing note-taking and attention to presentation can be distracting for some, especially if multitasking is challenging.
These are all the best note-taking methods that you can use to study smartly and make your life a bit easier. Tell us in the comments which technique is your favourite and why! To take your notes, you will need something to write down in; here are a few note taking apps that you can use for note-taking!