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ESG Regulations in the PBSA Sector: A Comprehensive Guide
3 min read
Student Housing News

ESG Regulations in the PBSA Sector: A Comprehensive Guide

ESG Regulations in PBSAs

Student Housing News

Apr 12, 2024
3 min read
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Apr 12, 2024
3 min read

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) regulations are rapidly gaining importance across various industries, including student housing. Most buildings constructed today will last for decades, so it's important for developers, managers, landlords, and tenants to focus on sustainability and environmentally conscious practices. The momentum to integrate ESG regulations into the student housing market, driven by both government mandates and market dynamics, is going strong in 2024.

Over the next few years, purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) and other types of student housing are expected to undergo significant adaptations. To remain competitive in the PBSA sector and meet student needs, developers, property managers, and tenants must adapt to evolving expectations around sustainability, social responsibility, and governance norms. Let’s take a quick look at the main principles of ESG regulations and how they impact PBSAs.

What Are ESG Regulations?

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance, encapsulating a business or property’s impact on the environment and society alongside the transparency and strength of its governance. It serves as a metric for measuring the integration of environmental, social, and governance practices into operations, providing a benchmark for sustainability. Let’s delve into key ESG factors relevant to property management in student housing today:


Environmental assessment focuses on sustainability practices, including carbon emission reduction, renewable energy use, and water and waste management:

  1. Net zero buildings: Properties with neutral or negative carbon footprints to support net-zero objectives, as outlined by bodies such as the Net Zero Coalition.
  2. LEED ratings: Buildings built and enhanced to meet globally recognised LEED certifications, signifying the level of sustainability for properties.
  3. Green leases: Commercial leases that require landlords and tenants to minimise a building's environmental impact.
  4. Energy efficiency: Monitor and reduce energy consumption through infrastructure upgrades and data-driven initiatives.
  5. Water and air quality: Implement practices to preserve or enhance local water and air quality and reduce pollution.
  6. Material sustainability: Use sustainable and durable construction materials in property development or renovation.
  7. Waste management: Ensure effective waste handling through recycling, composting, and safe disposal of hazardous waste.
  8. Smart facilities: Utilise advanced data collection and analysis tools, including sustainability management software.


The social aspect focuses on fostering diversity, greater inclusivity, human rights and worker safety within the organization, thereby improving relationships between all stakeholders, such as employees, customers, suppliers, and communities.

  1. Social and affordable housing: Provide options for lower-income individuals to afford housing.
  2. Equal opportunities: Strictly adhere to Equity Laws in residential and commercial property letting.
  3. Community support: Invest in enhancing local community services.
  4. Social impact measurement: Collect data on business impacts on well-being and quality of life.
  5. Building safety: Comply with safety codes and implement robust safety management practices.
  6. Diversity and inclusion: Reflect community demographics and support targeted groups.


The governance aspect revolves around overseeing the company's management and evaluating the board of directors' transparency, ethical standards, and independence.

  1. Ethical investments: Support eco-friendly or socially conscious initiatives and ensure partners align with ethical causes.
  2. Investment diligence: Conduct thorough due diligence to ensure the financial viability of investments.
  3. Business resilience: Establish robust plans for providing essential services during emergencies or disruptions.
  4. Data security: Implement strong data security measures to prevent theft or breaches.

How Can ESG be Applied in the PBSA sector?

Integrating ESG regulations into student housing practices is key to meeting the demands of eco-conscious tenants, especially in the purpose-built sector of real estate. Property managers should focus on sustainable initiatives that align with ESG criteria, addressing environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance transparency.

Environmental Sustainability

To enhance environmental sustainability, PBSAs can implement measures such as:

  • Installing energy-efficient lighting and heating systems
  • Utilizing renewable energy sources
  • Implementing waste sorting practices and reducing carbon emissions. Furthermore, students should be encouraged to conserve energy and water and embrace sustainable behaviours through seminars and workshops

Social Responsibility

PBSAs can uphold social responsibility by implementing policies that promote:

  • Inclusivity and diversity in workplaces
  • Ensuring a fair and safe workplace environment for staff
  • Engaging in volunteer activities and supporting the local community
  • Respecting local standards and norms to coexist peacefully in the community
  • Implementing fair pricing policies for students

Governance Adherence

To promote good governance, PBSAs can adopt policies that prioritise transparency and accountability. This includes:

  • Publishing annual reports on ESG performance
  • Establishing committees dedicated to upholding these standards
  • Implementing ethical codes of conduct to guide operations.

Why Are ESG Regulations Important in PBSAs?

With growing demands for transparency in sustainability, real estate organizations and property management groups must prioritise clear and actionable ESG goals. Here are key reasons why ESG regulations matter in student property management:

  1. LEED and BREEAM certifications: Achieving LEED and BREEAM certifications shows a commitment to high environmental standards. LEED is standard in the US, while BREEAM is in the UK. These certifications boost the sustainability quotient and appeal to eco-conscious students.
  2. Financial benefits: Sustainable student housing offers long-term financial gains by reducing utility bills through energy efficiency and attracting environmentally conscious tenants. It also assists in offering a competitive advantage in the market.
  3. Student preferences & market trends: Observing market trends and preferences is crucial for PMGs to attract and retain tenants. Gen Z has shown a great deal of interest in sustainable student housing projects. KnightFrank’s 2023 Student Accommodation Survey highlights a shifting student mindset towards ESG regulations, influencing their housing choices:
    • While environmental factors are noted, only 17% of students are willing to pay extra for environmentally friendly technology.
    • Social factors, like mental health support, drive price premiums and retention, with 80% citing accommodation's impact on student wellbeing.
    • In 2024, PBSA’s main focus is to enhance social support and community while exploring gamification of environmental initiatives, tapping into students' creativity for sustainability incentives.
  4. Better investments: To achieve ESG objectives, property investors should prioritise evaluating the entire life cycle of investment properties. This entails conducting thorough due diligence on investments and developments to uphold high-quality standards, enhance overall performance, and secure favourable returns for stakeholders.
  5. Higher revenue & asset value: Implementing ESG strategies re-elevates asset value. Sustainably built energy-efficient buildings enhance tenant satisfaction, raise rental rates, and cut operating costs, boosting property value. Tenants are increasingly willing to pay higher rents for savings in sustainable buildings. As organizations integrate ESG into their strategy, demand for "green space" grows, reducing vacancies.
  6. Ensuring regulatory compliance: As governments aim for net zero targets, stricter regulations for property managers are emerging. Implementing ESG regulations ensures compliance amid tightening rules.
  7. Elevating business reputation: Setting strong ESG targets enhances your public image, attracting high-quality stakeholders, fostering trust and creating an advantage over competitors.
  8. Risk mitigation: ESG regulations mitigate various risks such as decreased vacancy rates, improved client acquisition, reduced operational costs, as well as health & safety concerns and legal issues.

The Future of ESG in Student Housing

By integrating ESG regulations, PBSA properties can stand out in the competitive student housing market while fostering stronger tenant retention. As societal awareness grows, student tenants increasingly seek sustainable student accommodation that aligns with their environmental and social values. Investing in sustainable student housing promises long-term returns and underscores a commitment to eco-conscious practices.

Investors leveraging ESG criteria encourage developers to pioneer innovative solutions, fostering energy efficiency and environmental stewardship. Impactful policy implementation and strategic alignment between developers and educational institutions promise an improved student experience and a brighter future for student housing. If you have a green student property waiting to be seen, list your portfolio with amber today!

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April 15, 2024
last updated on
April 12, 2024

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