GRE Syllabus: General

There are broadly three sections to the GRE exam syllabus and the GRE exam structure. These are tailored to evaluate your analytical aptitude, writing skills, and critical thinking skills. But before we dive into the specific details, explore our article on GRE overview for a better understanding. The GRE subjects that you need to prepare for according to the syllabus are Analytical Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. The general section has been carefully designed to evaluate skills that have been developed over a while and aren’t related to a specific field of study but are important for all. Eligibility is another concern you should be aware of before appearing for the exam. Skim through the GRE eligibility article for more information.
1. GRE Syllabus: Verbal Reasoning
The GRE syllabus has a verbal reasoning section that assesses your ability to understand and analyse written material, evaluate arguments, and synthesise information. To excel in this section, a comprehensive vocabulary is crucial. However, it's equally important to practice strategies for efficient reading and question-solving. According to the GRE exam pattern, in this section, you have 3 sub-genres:
- Reading Comprehension
Here, you will be presented with passages and asked questions that test your understanding of the content and the logical structure of the text. It covers a variety of topics, including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and business. You might be asked to identify the main idea, draw inferences, analyse the structure of the passage, or understand the author's attitude.
- Text Completion
These questions present a passage with one to three blanks, and you need to select the correct words or phrases that best complete the sentences. This segment intends to evaluate your vocabulary and your understanding of sentence structure and coherence.
- Sentence Equivalence
Such questions involve a single sentence with one blank. You're required to select two answer choices that, when inserted into the sentence, create two logically equivalent complete sentences. Apart from your vocabulary, this section also assesses your understanding of word meaning and sentence structure.
2. GRE Syllabus: Quantitative Reasoning
This section consists of two types of questions: Quantitative Comparison and Problem-Solving.
As the name suggests, it is intended to be evaluated on the basis of the applicant`s ability to understand, interpret, and analyse quantitative information. It includes elementary concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis.
- Quantitative Comparison
Following the GRE exam pattern, in the section of Quantitative Comparison, you are presented with two quantities, Quantity A and Quantity B. Your task is to compare the two and determine the relationship. These questions are designed to test not only your mathematical skills but also your ability to analyse and compare different types of quantities.
- Problem-Solving
Problem Solving questions in the GRE syllabus present a mathematical problem, and you are required to solve it. In the GRE exam pattern, the problems can cover a wide range of topics, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis. It can be multiple-choice questions or numeric entry questions. These questions aim to determine if you are capable of applying proper mathematical concepts, choosing appropriate problem-solving strategies, and solving problems efficiently.
3. GRE Syllabus: Analytical Writing
This section of the GRE syllabus is all about assessing your ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and effectively, examine claims and evidence, and maintain a coherent and focused discussion. There are two parts to this section- the "Analyzing an Issue" task and the "Analyzing an Argument" task.
- Analysing an Issue
Here, in the GRE exam pattern, you are presented with a specific issue or statement. Your goal is to develop and articulate your perspective on the issue, discussing the complexities involved. Remember! You are not required to take a stance on whether the statement is true or false. Instead, you should analyse the statement, consider its nuances, and present a well-reasoned argument.
- Analysing an Argument
Same as above, only in this GRE test pattern you are given an argument that may contain logical flaws or assumptions. Your objective is to critically evaluate the argument's soundness by identifying and analysing its underlying assumptions and evidence. Refrain from giving personal opinions and focus on the argument's strengths and weaknesses.
GRE Syllabus: Subject Wise
The GRE syllabus and the GRE exam pattern also entails evaluating a candidate`s expertise in academic fields, which includes the study of certain specific subjects. Subject tests in Mathematics, Physics, and Psychology, are included in the GRE syllabus in both paper-and-pencil and computer-based format. The major GRE exam subjects are as follows:
GRE Syllabus: Mathematics
The GRE syllabus for mathematics is designed to assess a candidate's quantitative reasoning abilities across various mathematical domains. The mathematics GRE exam pattern covers various topics with the domination of calculus (50%) and Algebra (25%).
GRE Syllabus: Physics
The GRE syllabus for physics is comprehensive, covering a broad range of topics typically encountered in undergraduate physics programs. It assesses your understanding of fundamental principles and concepts in physics.
GRE Syllabus: Psychology
This is a major section in the GRE syllabus and GRE exam pattern. it is quite comprehensive. It covers a wide range of topics that are taught throughout the high school curriculum as well as undergraduate studies.
GRE Exam Pattern
Now that we have discussed in detail the entire syllabus for the GRE exam, let`s glance at the exam pattern once! It is important to note that as per the latest announcement by ETS - the conducting body of the GRE exam, the duration of the GRE has been shortened to 2 hours. The exam duration was 4 hours previously. The shorter version of the GRE General Test was conducted on September 22, 2023, with 26 fewer Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning questions and only one Analytical Writing essay. With this, the GRE syllabus has come to an end! Get back to your preparation soon and ace the test! It might feel overwhelming with such an extensive syllabus, to help you, we have brought to you ‘GRE Test Preparation Tips: How to Prepare for GRE’ for your help. Remember, the GRE syllabus is created as a holistic test tool. With the proper preparation, you can ensure to get a reputable score on the GRE. All the best! Climb the ultimate staircase to abroad.