Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can you rent student accommodation in Villaviciosa de Odón?

At amber, you just select, pay, and book. After you shortlist from our catalogue of more than 500+ rooms in Villaviciosa de Odón, you will be provided free service throughout the entire process from our experienced team. You can contact us for any further queries and guidance, and we'd be happy to assist you.

How much rent does one pay for student accommodation in Villaviciosa de Odón?

Several factors decide student accommodation rent, and location is one of the essential aspects. The price of accommodation in Villaviciosa de Odóny can range between € 424/week to € 1201/month. Apart from the location, the rent also depends on the various amenities and facilities provided by the accommodation and the room's configuration. The accommodation rent will decrease as you move further away from Madrid City Center.

What is the cheapest rent I can pay in Villaviciosa de Odón?

Yugo Coliseo Europea-Villa Viciosa, Picasso Residence and Yugo Claraval, Madrid offers the best accommodation for a reasonable price while providing you with a decent range of facilities.

What are different accommodation types available for students in Villaviciosa de Odón?

3 major configurations classify our Student accommodation options:

Shared: A shared room is where two or more students can share a single room, washroom, kitchen, and other shared spaces.

En-suite/Private room: An en-suite is where you get a private bedroom and bathroom, whereas the kitchen and living areas are shared with others.

Studios: A studio is a self-contained unit with a bedroom, a kitchen, and a private washroom. Two students may book a single studio together, subject to the policies of the accommodation provider.

You can thus make an informed decision based on your interests. You can choose between shared and private apartments depending upon your budget.

Can I view my student flat in Villaviciosa de Odón before booking?

Absolutely yes. If you wish to schedule a viewing before booking a property, contact our booking experts, and we will happily arrange a virtual tour for you.

How much money will I spend on bills?

It depends on the property you rent, but most of our student properties in the city have bills included, so you'll only have to pay the rent and nothing else. The statements include WiFi and other facilities. Get in touch with our expert team for more information.

Can I get discounts for student accommodation in Villaviciosa de Odón?

Yes, students who book early get good deals and pay much less rent for their accommodation. You can also leverage discounts and cashback from group bookings.

Can I stay with a friend at my student accommodation in Villaviciosa de Odón?

You can share accommodations with your pals, but depending on the property, you might have to pay a small premium. You can choose dual occupancy studios or share an apartment. You may avail of a discount if you live in a group.

Can I get furnished student accommodation in Villaviciosa de Odón?

Yes, all student accommodations are fully furnished.

How do I pay for my student accommodation in Villaviciosa de Odón?

You can pay via numerous modes, including net banking or debit cards. We also have our payment portal, where we can assist you with the process.

When should I book my total for the September intake?

Approximately 6 months prior is the ideal time to book your student accommodation. Most of these accommodations start their information in February but will let you book rooms at the last moment if they have available rooms. But booking earlier will be the best bargain because the more you wait, the more you pay.

Student Accommodations near Villaviciosa de Odón

Student Accommodation in Villaviciosa de Odón

Finding suitable student accommodation in Villaviciosa de Odón locality can be time-consuming but not complicated. Amber offers a lot of affordable student housing that is both comfortable and reasonably priced. Student hostels in Villaviciosa de Odón are found near many world-renowned universities like Comillas Pontifical University, Complutense University of Madrid and University of Salamanca. This locality is an eccentric hub and has something for everybody. Ranging from luxurious student accommodations in Central Madrid to budget-friendly student housing, all the student Accommodation student accommodations are built considering the uber comfort of the students.

At amber, student accommodation in Villaviciosa de Odón is further segregated into halls of residence, private halls of living, and private housing. Private student accommodations in Villaviciosa de Odón consist of comfortable, luxurious, budget-friendly en-suites, studios, and shared apartments, including all bills ranging from € 424/week to € 1201/month. These housing options are also available for students looking for short-term tenancies. Some famous private student housing in Spain include Yugo Coliseo Europea-Villa Viciosa, Picasso Residence, Yugo Claraval, Madrid and many more, which are great bargains to grab.

About Villaviciosa de Odón

This Spanish municipality belongs to the Community of Madrid and is located northwest of the city, within the Madrid metropolitan region. Large Mediterranean pine-tree forests surround it: Casa de Campo, Monte del Pardo, and Monte del Pilar. It is located about 15 kilometres south-west of Madrid's Moncloa District. One of the factors that makes this area appealing to residents is its proximity to the capital; it is approximately 15 kilometres from Moncloa (less than 25 minutes by car), allowing residents to travel easily and quickly for employment, study, pleasure, or other purposes.

Villaviciosa is a security reference not only for Madrid residents, but for all of Spain. This lovely town stands out for its high levels of security, thanks to extensive danger prevention work and the installation of extremely effective security systems.

Best Student Accommodation in Villaviciosa de Odón

As the primary factor for any student accommodation is its location and distance from the university, students often consider sustainability, lifestyle, and commuting services before choosing an ideal student accommodation. Student accommodation in Madrid City Centre adheres to the facilities a student would require. Being in the heart of the city and home to some prestigious universities and big businesses, City Center attracts students from all over the world. Doing justice to the kind of infrastructure and class of the locality, we have some of the best picks for off-campus student accommodation in Villaviciosa de Odón. For staying, students prefer properties like Yugo Galdós and Yugo Emilia Pardo Bazán.Through amber, you can book student accommodations that provide all basic amenities at pocket-friendly prices.

Cost of Living in Villaviciosa de Odón

Due to the lifestyle, your living expenses in Villaviciosa de Odón will likely be on the higher side of the scale. So to further help plan out your budget and expenses, we have provided rough estimates of a few other mandatory costs you will have to bear while living as a student. Most of these estimates prices will vary depending on personal preferences but are a helpful way to gauge how much you could be spending.


1. Accommodation: 265 - 384/month

2. Food: €159 - €326/month

3. Transportation: €46 - €125/month

4. Communications and utilities: €81 - €102/month

5. Clothing: €24 - €90/month

6. Sports and leisure: €24 - €84/month

Student Travel in Villaviciosa de Odón

Living in Madrid is simpler than it looks, due to the city's excellent public transportation system. The most secure and pleasurable way of travelling is public transit. Buses, trains, and metros are among the public transit choices for students living in Madrid. The public transportation system is well-organized and reliable. It includes the entire city and the neighbouring areas. Madrid students' favourite modes of transportation are listed below:

Bikes: The name of Madrid's newest bike programme is BiciMAD. It is entirely powered by electric bicycles, a green, healthy, and ecologically sustainable means of transportation.

Bus: Cercanas Madrid, a commuter train service with over 90 stations and nine lines totaling 578 kilometres (359 miles), is used for lengthier travels into Madrid from the suburbs and further afield.

Metro: The Metro is the quickest form of transit for Madrid students and its neighbouring areas. It is the most popular mode of transportation among Madrid students.

Student Lifestyle and Living in Villaviciosa de Odón

Villaviciosa de Odón provides a relaxing environment surrounded by nature. As a result of its numerous environmental activities, this Madrid neighbourhood has become a model green city. Furthermore, it is surrounded by nature and boasts more than 70 urban parks, a plethora of trees, and gorgeous gardens, making it one of the best Madrid neighbourhoods to enjoy nature by strolling, riding a bike, running, or engaging in any other type of outdoor exercise. Villaviciosa’s fantastic stores and exceptional gourmet offerings are two more reasons why booking student housing here is a wise decision. Students can find the best shopping centres in this Madrid neighbourhood, such as Zielo, Zoco Pozuelo, and El Torreon. Each one represents a world of exclusivity and limitless opportunities to enjoy the finest boutique stores or exquisite food in its 170 gourmet restaurants and bars.

Tourist Attractions in or around Villaviciosa de Odón

This creative, modern, and delightful urban playground is located in the heart of Madrid. Explore the streets that are covered with street art to find eccentric boutiques, renowned art galleries, lively bars, and award-winning restaurants.

Here are a few things you can do are-

1.  Castillo de Villaviciosa de Odon

2. Castillo de Villaviciosa de Odon

3. Roket

4. Casa Palacio de Manuel Godoy

5. Historic Gardens

6. Plaza Jose Palancar

Universities in/near Villaviciosa de Odón

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