International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Exam

General Vs Academic IELTS! Key Differences & More!

April 19, 2024
General Vs Academic IELTS! Key Differences & More!

Ready to crack the code of the IELTS exam? If you're eyeing prestigious universities like Oxford and Harvard or dreaming of settling in countries like Australia or Canada, then buckle up. Understanding the difference between IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training is your ticket to success!

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What Is An IELTS Exam?

Ready to crack the code of the IELTS exam? If you're eyeing prestigious universities like Oxford and Harvard or dreaming of settling in countries like Australia or Canada, then buckle up. Understanding the difference between IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training is your ticket to success!

Think of it like this: IELTS Academic is your go-to if you're aiming for higher education, while IELTS General Training is more about everyday language skills for work or migration. So, whether you're prepping for essays or mastering casual conversations, we've got the lowdown on what sets these tests apart. Let's dive in and demystify the IELTS journey together!

What is IELTS Academic & General: A Brief! 

Ever wonder about the difference between academic and general IELTS? People are always curious to know which is better in the general vs academic IELTS competition! To decide, whether you should go with academic IELTS or general IELTS in the fight between general vs academic IELTS, you need to know about them both. Differences between academic and general IELTS depend on your needs. IELTS Academic is your go-to for academic dreams, like getting into top-notch universities or a professional journey. On the other hand, IELTS General Training gears you up for everyday language challenges, perfect for those eyeing migration or diving into work life abroad. Let us try to understand academic vs general IELTS  further below.

General Vs Academic IELTS: Key Differences

As you gear up for your IELTS adventure, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the syllabus, score, and patterns that separate academic and general IELTS. Let's dive into the specifics to find the answer to IELTS academic or general :

1. Test Duration: IELTS General Training Vs Academic

Both academic IELTS and general IELTS have a total test duration of 2 hours and 45 minutes.

General Vs Academic IELTS: Duration Brief

The duration for both types of tests varies. Both tests are designed for different purposes, and you need to know the duration of each. Below is time division:

IELTS General Training

1. Reading: 60 minutes

2. Writing: 60 minutes

3. Listening: 30 minutes

4. Speaking: 11-14 minutes (face-to-face interview)

IELTS Academic

2. Reading: 60 minutes

3. Writing: 60 minutes

4. Listening: 30 minutes

5. Speaking: 11-14 minutes (face-to-face interview)

2. Pattern:

It typically consists of four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. It assesses the English language proficiency of individuals aiming to study or work in English-speaking environments. Each section evaluates different language skills, including listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing ability, and speaking fluency.


1. Academic: Three long reading passages with tasks, which can include diagrams, graphs, or illustrations.

2. General Training: Three sections with texts of varying lengths, including notices, advertisements, and company guidelines.

You can read more about it in our syllabus and pattern section. However, since we need to ceck which works better for you, let us go through the other differences.


1. Academic: IELTS Writing Task 1 involves interpreting visual data, such as graphs or charts, and Task 2 is an essay response to a point of view, argument, or problem.

2. General Training: IELTS Writing Task 1 requires writing a letter based on a given situation, and Task 2 involves writing an essay response to a point of view, argument, or problem.


Both the academic and general Training versions have four sections, each with ten questions. The topics and recordings are where the IELTS academic and general differences lie.


Both versions consist of a face-to-face interview with a certified examiner. The Speaking test assesses your ability to engage in conversation on various topics.

In essence, while the duration remains the same for both versions, the subjects and patterns are the major differences when comparing IELTS general and academic. Understanding these key factors leads to major general vs. academic IELTS questions.

4. Syllabus


The syllabus for the IELTS general training test includes three sections for reading texts sourced from everyday sources like newspapers, advertisements, or company handbooks. These texts are typically shorter and more straightforward than the Academic version.

In contrast, the IELTS Academic reading section presents three long reading passages, often academic. These passages may include complex vocabulary and require a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Thus, you may choose IELTS academic or general based on your requirements.

Syllabus & Pattern: Writing

In the IELTS general training writing section, Task 1 typically requires candidates to write a letter based on a given situation, such as writing to a friend about a recent trip or to a landlord regarding accommodation issues. Task 2 involves writing an essay to a point of view, argument, or problem.

On the other hand, the IELTS academic writing section's Task 1 requires candidates to interpret visual data, such as graphs, charts, or diagrams, and summarise the information in their own words. Task 2 involves writing an essay on an argument or problem, often in a more formal and academic style.

Syllabus & Pattern: Speaking

In both the IELTS general training and academic Speaking sections, candidates participate in a face-to-face interview with a certified examiner. The speaking test assesses the candidate's ability to engage in conversation on various topics. There is not much difference between IELTS general and academic topics. However, the assessment criteria remain the same, focusing on fluency, coherence, vocabulary, and pronunciation. You can prepare either IELTS academic or general in the same format.

Syllabus & Pattern: Listening IELTS General Vs Academic

When we look at IELTS general vs academic from the listening section, there is no difference between the general training and academic versions. Both consist of four sections, each with ten questions. However, the content and context of the recordings may differ. The syllabus and pattern difference between IELTS general and academic is that academic listening passages may include lectures, academic discussions, or presentations.

General Vs IELTS Academic Score

The scoring system for IELTS academic or general tests is the same across both versions. There is no difference between the scoring pattern of general vs academic IELTS. Candidates receive scores on a scale from 0 to 9 for each of the four skills assessed: listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.

1. Band 9: Expert User

2. Band 8: Very Good User

3. Band 7: Good User

4. Band 6: Competent User

5. Band 5: Modest User

6. Band 4: Limited User

7. Band 3: Extremely Limited User

8. Band 2: Intermittent User

9. Band 1: Non-User

10. Band 0: Not Attempted

The scores reflect the candidate's proficiency level in English, with Band 9 indicating the highest level of proficiency and Band 0 indicating no proficiency. Candidates typically receive an overall band score and individual band scores for each skill assessed. Institutions and organisations use these scores to determine the candidate's English language proficiency for academic, professional, or immigration purposes.

Top Countries And Universities Accepting IELTS: Introduction

Embarking on a journey towards higher education often involves navigating through various entry requirements, with language proficiency being a crucial aspect. Among the esteemed institutions worldwide, a significant number look through the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) scores to check their English language proficiency. Join us as we delve into the top universities that recognise and embrace IELTS scores, paving the way for countless aspiring scholars to pursue their academic dreams.

Top Universities Accepting IELTS: Table




Harvard University

United States

Harvard University welcomes IELTS test-takers aspiring to join its diverse community of scholars and researchers.

The University of Oxford

United Kingdom

With its centuries-old tradition of academic brilliance, the University of Oxford recognises IELTS scores from applicants seeking admission to its esteemed undergraduate and postgraduate programs, offering a gateway to a world-class education in the heart of England.

Stanford University

United States

As one of the world's leading research institutions, Stanford University values English proficiency demonstrated through IELTS scores, opening doors to a wealth of opportunities for students eager to engage in groundbreaking research and academic pursuits.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

United States

MIT IELTS scores from aspiring students worldwide, offering access to a transformative educational experience at one of the most prestigious universities in the United States and beyond.

The University of Cambridge

United Kingdom

Cambridge English Language Assessment the significance of IELTS scores for international applicants seeking admission to its illustrious academic programs. Thus, it fosters a diverse and inclusive learning environment.

University of Melbourne


With its commitment to excellence in education and research, the University of Melbourne welcomes IELTS test-takers, providing a pathway to world-class education in the vibrant city of Melbourne.

California Institute of Technology (Caltech)


Caltech acknowledges the importance of English proficiency, which is seen through the IELTS scores. It offers a transformative educational experience at the forefront of science and technology.

University of Toronto


The University of Toronto values IELTS scores from applicants worldwide, providing access to a diverse and inclusive learning community in one of the world's most livable cities, with opportunities for academic and personal growth.

The University of Cambridge

United Kingdom

Recognized globally for its academic excellence and contributions to research and innovation, the University of Cambridge opens its doors to IELTS test-takers aspiring to join its vibrant community of scholars, offering a transformative educational experience steeped in tradition and excellence.

University of California, Berkeley,

United States

With its esteemed faculty and commitment to academic excellence, UC Berkeley welcomes IELTS test-takers from around the world, providing access to a dynamic learning environment and opportunities for intellectual exploration and personal growth.

These top universities recognise IELTS scores to understand your English proficiency. Take the IELTS exam today and study and grow at institutions known for their commitment to learning, innovation, and global impact.

In conclusion, whether aspiring for academic goals or venturing into professional realms, understanding the difference between IELTS General and Academic opens doors to diverse opportunities for personal and academic growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is easier, IELTS academic or general?

Do universities accept general IELTS?

Which is required for the job, IELTS academic or general?

What is the scoring difference between difference between IELTS general and academic?

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